Showing posts with label federation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label federation. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

September 28, 2022

Garba Shehu To Akeredolu: No State Authorised To Procure Automatic Weapons

The presidency says no state has been issued authorisation to procure automatic weapons for its security outfits.

In a statement on Tuesday, the presidency said the illegal possession of automatic weapons and AK-47 remains illegal in the country.


The Presidency wishes to strongly assert that there is no state, not Katsina, not any other state in the federation, that has been authorized to procure automatic weapons for their security outfits.

Under this administration, the President has repeatedly made it clear that nobody is allowed to illegally carry AK-47 or any other automatic weapons and that they must surrender them.

Where they fail to do so, the law enforcement agencies have been given clear directives to deal with any such outlaws.

Under the existing regulations, only the Office of the National Security Adviser can issue such authorization, upon proper clearance by the President and Commander-in-Chief and as it is at this moment, no such approvals have been issued to any state government.

In the specific Katsina State often cited, the Governor, Aminu Bello Masari wrote to explain that the administration invited the Provost of the Civil Defence Training College in Katsina to train their Vigilantes for a five-day period “in the handling and operations of Pump Action Rifles,” emphasizing that “the Vigilantes were not trained to take over the responsibilities of the security agencies of the Federal Government of Nigeria but to assist them.”

The Presidency appreciates the active involvement of states with security matters.

As they continue to expand their capabilities as well as their active collaboration with law enforcement agencies of the federation, the joint efforts continue to yield good results, thwarting attempts of terrorists to wreak havoc and destruction on communities. The President in particular has expressed happiness that in the last couple of years, security outfits mandated by state governments have been associated with several important initiatives, and reports have reached him of acts of utmost bravery and professionalism.

He thanks them for their alertness that is helping to defeat nefarious plots against targets at grassroots levels.

He, however, cautions against the politicization of security.

Government at the centre with a national mandate cannot afford to alienate Ondo State or any other state for that matter on the important issue of security and urges leaders at various levels to exercise restraint in their speech, even as we are in a political season.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

September 30, 2021



At midnight, a few hours the presence of a vast assembly and more humble folk, British flag was hauled down and Nigerian flag raised to replace symbolic of the entire spirit coming to independence of this populous of African states that Governor-General, Sir James and the Prime Minister of the Federation, Alhaji Sir Tafawa Balewa, should have out together to stand side by salute the exchange of flags-- sovereignties. As they marched the Royal Stand, where was the central figure representative of Queen Elizabeth, the Prime Minister who waved his greetings to the although the Governor-General, once raised his hand knowledge the cheers.

Nigeria’s population is estimated at over 250 million, which means the country has skilled and unskilled labour in abundance. The population also makes it a fertile ground for global trade. Nigeria is also rich in mineral resources. It is sub-Saharan Africa’s largest, and the world’s 13th largest, producer and exporter of oil.

These endowments should have made Nigeria one of the key destinations for global investment. And with its wealth in petroleum and natural resources as well as its vast agricultural potential, Nigeria should have by now become Africa’s undisputed economic giant.

However, 61 years after independence, Nigeria, like a vehicle struggling to climb a hilly road, has yet to achieve its potential. Its large population has thus become a source of weakness, not strength.

A country that is seriously battling with the issue of insecurities which is seriously affecting the growth of the nation. For over a decade, Nigeria has been fraught with insecurity challenges, from Boko Haram and their ISWAP counterparts to Bandits and unknown gunmen, in the midst of all this, the statistics of unemployed youths and graduates in the nation has been rising to an alarming rate, the basic development infrastructures like electricity to enhance the industrialization of the nation in order to create employment opportunities has been lacking, thereby crippling other efforts to drive the economic resurgence of the 7th most populous nation in the world.

It’s a fact that the issue of insecurity in the nation has invincible social sponsors like poverty and unemployment; these contributes to frustration and anger that can result to one taking to armed robbery, kidnapping or pitching tent with agitators calling for dissolution of the nation under the guise of revolutionaries thereby creating more panic in the society.

Leading nations of the world are undergoing a process of modernization, encompassing changes such as industrialization, urbanization, and growing social complexity in the modernization perspective. Insecurity in Nigeria and Imo are social problems inherent in Nigeria, and as a social problem, can be seen as failures in modernization. For example, in today’s world societies that fail to industrialize will be poor and conflict ridden. On an optimistic note, this perspective suggests that these problems can be solved through government intervention to lead society on the road to modernization.

So many of today’s social problems are global in nature, we cannot hope to solve them by focusing on individual nations, ISWAP that are recently credited with killing of Shekau the Boko Haram leader, is an offshoot of a globally recognized terrorist network. 

It has been observed by scholars and commentators that corruption is a major challenge to social, political, and economic development in any country. The consequences of corruption are unfavorable for the progress of any society.

Corruption in Nigeria is a constant phenomenon. In 2012, Nigeria was estimated to have lost over $400 billion to corruption since its independence. In 2018, the country ranked 144th in the 180 countries listed in Transparency International's Corruption Index (with Somalia, at 180th, being the most corrupt, and Denmark the least).  While many politicians own or have shares in these industries, tax revenues from the energy sector are diminished and the benefits of Nigeria's energy wealth is not evenly distributed throughout the country with Lagos State benefitting disproportionately. Oil and gas revenues therefore account for the vast majority of the federal budget and the salaries of government officials

Nigerian politicians find themselves in a strong position of power and wealth due to their connections with the oil and gas industries in Nigeria. These gas industries are under the control of the state-owned Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC). 

Vote rigging by political parties in elections is widespread and corruption is endemic within government. Business arrangements and family loyalties dominate governmental appointments paving the way for politicians, officials and their business associates who together make up the ruling elite to ensure that they all become wealthy through behind the scenes agreements and the awarding of profitable contracts to favoured supporters. 

From massive contract fraud at the top, through petty bribery, money laundering schemes, embezzlement and seizing salaries from fake workers, it is estimated that corruption within the state apparatus costs the country billions of dollars every year.

With the continue rate of insecurities and corruption in the country now; is Nigeria face not bastardized among its peer in the African states and globe at large. We also need a working security architecture to fight the continuous insecurity in the nation. 


An advocate of good governance, student unionist, Writer.



Wednesday, July 21, 2021

July 21, 2021

UK Reviews Asylum Policy, Favours LGBTI, Ignores IPOB Members


UK reviews policy for Nigerian asylum seekers to ‘favour’ LGBTI, women — but silent on IPOB members.

The UK has remained silent about asylum for members of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB) and Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB).

The UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) has reviewed guidelines for its decision makers on how to consider and grant asylum applications made by persons fleeing Boko Haram and ISWAP in northeast Nigeria, TheCable can report.

In a recent review seen by TheCable, UKVI is willing to grant asylum to LGBTI persons or women who work or are in education — and other social groups at risk of attack by extremists in the region.

The UK has remained silent about asylum for members of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB) and Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB).

In April 2021, TheCable reported that the UK said it would grant asylum to “persecuted” members of IPOB, which has been designated as a terrorist organisation by the Nigerian government, and MASSOB.

A few days later, following the report and subsequent complaints from the Nigerian government, the UK pulled down the policy notes, stating that it was being reviewed.

In the most recent July 2021 review, UKVI updated its designation for insurgent groups in northeast Nigeria, clearly naming them “Islamist extremists” in the region.

It said Nigerians could now claim asylum in the UK if they face “fear of persecution and/or serious harm by members of Boko Haram because of” their “actual or perceived opposition to the group”.

The guidelines, now known as country policy and information note, added that Nigerians could claim asylum if they belong to a social group that is “not compliant with Boko Haram ideology”.

Examples include “women who work or are in education and lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) persons”.


Boko Haram started as an insurgent group in northeast Nigeria in 2009, but has since gone through numerous changes in leadership, ideology and affiliation.

One thing that seemed to have remained constant is the abduction of women and girls, attacks on schools and general opposition to western education.

In 2016, Boko Haram split into two groups: Islamic State in West Africa (ISWA or ISWAP); and Jamaat Ahl al-Sunna li-Dawa wal-Jihad (JASDJ), which maintained the name Boko Haram.

Following the reported death of Abubakar Shekau, the leader of Boko Haram, a reunion has been reported to have happened between both groups. Boko Haram has continued striking post-reunion, recently injuring two women in the process.

As a result of Boko Haram’s historical and current records, women, especially women in education, are at more risk of persecution from the group, giving them more preference when seeking asylum.

The UK said “the groups have also forcibly recruited and abducted thousands of men, women and children, subjecting many to intimidation and abuse including sexual violence, forced marriage and using young girls, in particular, to carry person-borne IED’s/as suicide bombers”.


In January 2014, former president Goodluck Jonathan, signed into law a bill that criminalises same-sex relationships, defying western pressure over gay rights and provoking criticism from the US, UK and much of the international community.

The law prescribes 14 years imprisonment for same-sex “amorous relationships” and membership of gay rights groups in the country.

President Muhammadu Buhari has come under pressure to repeal the law, but that move has made no progress with the incumbent administration.

UKVI prescribes internal relocation for persons persecuted by Boko Haram in the northeast, suggesting they could be taken to central and southern Nigeria, which is “generally not directly affected by activities” of the group.

However, members of the LGBTI community can be victimised anywhere in Nigeria, raising the stakes for them, when applying.

“Boko Haram continues to be able to operate in rural areas of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states, and to be able to attack targets in rural and urban areas in the North East of the country,” the UKVI said.

“In areas outside of the North East where the threat is from Boko Haram, the authorities are generally able and willing to provide effective protection. Women, LGBTI persons and non-indigenes may face additional discrimination which prevents them from being able to access effective protection.

As a result, the UK is willing to offer protection for such people if the risk of persecution is confirmed.

“The question to be addressed in each case is whether the particular person will face a real risk of persecution on account of their actual or imputed convention reason,” UKVI added.

While women and LGBTI persons are at a higher risk, UKVI added that decision makers “must, however, still consider all claims on an individual basis, taking into account each case’s specific facts”.

Source: The Cable

July 21, 2021

The Many Sins Of Sunday Igboho

By Alao Abiodun

Until January 15, 2021 Chief Sunday Adeyemo aka Sunday Igboho was arguably an unknown personality outside the southwest region.

Igboho and his supporters took the battle to end the herdsmen crisis on their shoulders.

He stormed the Fulani community in Igangan, Ibarapa Local Council of Oyo State to issue a seven-day quit notice to herdsmen to vacate the community and all other Yoruba communities or be forced to do so.

Despite warning by Governor Seyi Makinde against such action, he invaded Igangan and his visit led to a clash between some Yoruba youths and Fulani in the community. Properties were reportedly destroyed.

He also visited Ogun State and vowed to evict herdsmen in the South-west following the insecurity rocking the region.

He then became a chief promoter of the Yoruba nation idea and a defender of Yoruba land from the incursion of killer herders who kill, maim and abduct farmers.

After holding a series of rallies in some southwest states, he met stiff resistance against any rally in Lagos.

The DSS raided the home of Igboho few hours to the rally, destroying vehicles, including his G-wagon, Prado Jeep, and some valuables, including furniture and windows.

Here are few factors which could have contributed ‘negatively’ to Igboho’s travails:

Feud with Seyi Makinde: Sunday Igboho had a frosty relationship with Seyi Makinde during the build up to Oyo 2019 gubernatorial elections.

Makinde rode on the influence of Igboho during his 2019 campaign tour to Oke-Ogun zone and subsequent endorsement.

Igboho, who is often hailed as ‘owo baba dami’, has no doubt always enjoyed overwhelming popularity from different administrations in Oyo state – from the time of former Governor Rashidi Ladoja.

Igboho was involved in the combative politics between the late political leader, Lamidi Adedibu and Ladoja. He supported Ladoja, acting as his bodyguard throughout the tussle.

During the Kogi guber elections, Makinde, who was chairman of the Peoples Democratic(PDP) Governorship campaign also took Igboho as part of his entourage during the build up to the elections.

But, glaringly, things appear not to be smooth as the Governor and Igboho have been on a collision war after the latter reportedly dumped Makinde who he supported in the 2019 elections.

The last straw that broke the camel’s back was the face-off between the duo over the ‘quit notice’ issued to Fulanis in Igangan, Ibarapa East local government over alleged kidnapping and banditry by Igboho.

Igboho’s visit was in defiance to Governor Seyi Makinde’s directive to security agencies to arrest and treat him as a criminal should he carry out his threat to forcefully eject herdsmen and his kinsmen from the land.

In a viral undated video, Igboho blasted Makinde in Yoruba language. Though he didn’t mention the Governor’s name, he said enough for viewers to know he was referring to Makinde.

He accused the Governor of backing herdsmen, recalling how Makinde relied on him to win votes in 2019.

According to him: “You can bring all Fulanis to Yorubaland, if you like, you unfortunate ones. It will not be well with you.

“You are threatening me in my fatherland with Fulanis. You will not prosper.

“Is it the Fulani’s that make the laws of the land? Have you forgotten when you were ‘bankrolling’ me you wanted to become Governor and all I did for you all during the elections, and now you dare threaten me?”

Utterance against South West monarchs, political leaders – Igboho’s style of speaking created a very bad impression in the minds of many.

Some described him as audacious but his persistent attacks on various personalities across the South West didn’t go down well with prominent leaders. Traditional rulers, political leaders opposed to the agitation were labelled and abused.

For instance, Igboho, while speaking at a meeting with the Yoruba in Diaspora, last February described some prominent Yoruba leaders, including the Ooni of Ife, Enitan Ogunwusi, Makinde; and Oluwo of Iwo, Abdulrasheed Akanbi, as “Fulani slaves.”

He later sought the forgiveness of Ogunwusi, who said he had forgiven him.

Igboho’s uncouth words and inciting statements — Everywhere Igboho went, he naturally won the confidence of the common man but one striking problem was his uncouth words and inciting statements which could stoke ethnic tension especially amidst the rising insecurity.

His inciting statements was a source of concerns to many especially security operatives who feared there might be a repeat of the #EndSARS protests.

Igboho in series of videos had always lambasted and placed curses on those against the Yourba Nation struggle.

From campaign against killer herders to Yoruba Nation agitation – To many, how Sunday Igboho changed so swiftly from being an activist fighting against killer herdsmen to being a freedom fighter remains a mystery.

From the man who was fighting to end the terror of killer herdsmen in Yorubaland, to agitating for separation of Yoruba Nation from Nigeria, showed he mixed up the whole struggle without clear clarity.

Undermining the government – Sunday Igboho had announced that Yoruba Nation was no longer part of Nigeria and they were ready to walk away without what government can do.

He also threatened there would not be any election in the Southwest in 2023, saying the people of Yoruba Nation were weary of Nigeria.

Adedute Adepelumi, who is currently declared wanted by the Nigerian Police, speaking from his base in Sweden noted that the Federal Government is just doing anything possible to infringe human rights, how do you explain government operatives unleashing terror on citizens like armed robbers.

Igboho added Yoruba people could no longer tolerate the feudal and political dominance in the federation, which he said, had been a source of concern nationwide.

Source: The Hope

Thursday, July 1, 2021

July 01, 2021

Barr. Fadeshola Ojamomi Charges Ilaje Indigenes on CVR Pre- registration Process

The Independent National Electoral Commission on Monday 28th June , 2021 began Continuous Voter Registration (CVR) across the country. As part of her effort to ensure no eligible voter is disenfranchised come 2023, the commission has drawn out modalities by which the registration will be carried out without hassles.

I am by this medium calling the attention of ILAJE people to the online Pre- Registration Process. The Youths who are ICT compliant should endeavor to register and teach members of their family and community the pre-registration process. 

It is important to state at this juncture that the registration process is free and anyone who demands ransoms from anyone for the purpose of registration should be avoided and reported to the nearest police station. 

At a point when THE ILAJE people has lost their voice Politically, it is important we take this process very serious in a bid to reposition ILAJE and help it attain its rightful place. Participating in Electoral Processes is the “sine qua non” to building a formidable democracy and a guarantee to a better and safer environment cum infrastructural development. 

ILAJE people must no longer seat on the fence. It is without doubt that we  are wounded, but we must not be weak, we must ensure we participate actively in governance and Democracy. Democracy is based upon the conviction that there is extraordinary possibility in ordinary people. We are the ordinary people, let’s push forward, make use of our extra ordinary strength for we are determined to change the ILAJE story through the ballot. 

We should all remember that Participating in Continuous Voters Registration (CVR) is very important. Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another  and our community. To achieve the ILAJE of our dreams, we all need to REGISTER and VOTE for a Greater and Better ILAJE NATION.

July 01, 2021

What Is In A Country? Leo Erastus Temidayo Ogunmolu


In the good old days, in the land that was truly flowing with milk and honey, whenever a man had left its shores, after long period of time, and was on his way back to the land, he was always feeling at the top of his world, heaving a sigh of relief that at last, he would be in his native home on the waiting and soothing arms of his brethren, placing his head on the other shoulder, and emptying their tears of joy on the stretched shoulder in true love.

The age-long saying that home is the best is no longer doing its soothing job or bringing the much needed respite in Nigeria.

 The song: Home my home, when shall I see my home, when shall I see my native land, I will never forget my home" is no longer fascinating. 

What can truly be fascinating in a country where laws are made for some people to obey while some people are made for laws to obey them? 

What can be appealing in a country where lawmakers are law breakers; where those who make the laws against Covid-19 break the laws against Covid-19? 

What indeed can be soothing in a country where lopsidedness, nepotism, impunity reign supreme? 

What exactly can make one's head swell in a country where INEC, Security Personnel, Judiciary usurp the function of the electorate to foist leaders on them thereby shattering their hope of ever getting the opportunity to elect leaders of their choice? 

What can make one proud of a country where the strong is made to become the weak and the weak is made to become the strong? 

What is it in a country where meritocracy has been sacrificed on the cheap altar of mediocrity thus making a professor to serve a school certificate drop out? 

I say what, what, dear compatriots, what is in a country where banditry tries to outshine Boko Haram as when Dangote is trying to outshine Bill Gate? 

What is in a country where the number of deaths witnessed in one administration is a performance index used in comparing the number of deaths witnessed in another administration as when comparing the level of infrastructural developments? 

What is in a country where Boko Haram insurgents who are fighting against education are catered for and elevated above those who desire to acquire education?

What, my people, is in a country where its leaders search for any slightest opportunity to oppress her already impoverished and famished citizens, whereas other leaders somewhere else strive to make life abundant for her own?

What can be heart-warming in a country where billions of dollars donated by both indigenous and international donors were purportedly spent for the poor, and yet no one poor in any part of the society has come out to appreciate the "kind" gesture of such giver-govt?

What is attractive in a country where its leaders smile to banks after diverting public fund allocated or donated by public-spirited persons, to raise citizens out of scorching poverty and economic dunghill while the citizens themselves bleed to death on minute by minute basis? 


What is enthusing in a country where her foreign ambassador beckons to the people scattered around the strange land "Come home, come home" and the people respond, "Are there no more graves in the foreign land that we may come to perish in Nigeria wilderness?"

What can be motivating in a country where her people are locked up in a solitary confinement to starve to death and whereas, in other clime, their people are locked down with not less than $1200/person with constant supply of food items against Covid-19?

What can be exciting in a country where there is no value for money, where efforts are not duly appreciated and compensated. Where failure is rated above merit?

Brothers, sisters, I ask again, what is in a country that kills the destiny of her promising youths who excel after finding their way out of a contraption called Nigeria?

 Writer, Student Unionist, Political analyst, Advocator of good governance

Leo Ogunmolu Temidayo Erastus (Excellency IKA)




Sunday, March 7, 2021

March 07, 2021

Consider Vaccination of Students First, NANS Urges FG

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), Zone D, received with delight, the new of the arrival of about 4 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine into the country on Tuesday, march 2, 2021. 

Meanwhile, as the vaccination campaign and administration in Nigeria begin, it is imperative to make a passionate plea to the Federal Government, on behalf of the entire Nigerian students, that the students should be considered first in the administration of the vaccine. 

In particular, as the States Governors are warming up to receive their shares of the vaccine, NANS (Zone D), is requesting that the governors of the South/West should place premium on the students at all levels in the administration of the vaccine.

The need to start the vaccination with the students is imperative because Nigerian students constitute the largest assemblage among whom the virus can easily spread, thus, the vaccine must be administered on them first in order to contain the spread of the dreaded virus. 

We are urging our governors in the South/West States, to put some compelling measures in place in our Primary Health Care centres, higher institutions and schools and other prospective designated centres to ensure that students are given priority in the administration of the vaccine.

While we are congratulating the government on the arrival of the vaccine, we want to pledge our support in terms of campaign for the vaccination which will help to contain the spread of the virus.

Aluta Continua, Victoria Ascerta.


Kowe Odunayo Amos.



Monday, March 1, 2021

March 01, 2021

OEYC strategizes with FRSC to mitigate incessant Okada Accidents in Ondo

The leadership of the Ondo Ekimogun Youth Congress (OEYC) met with the Unit Commander of the Federal Road Safety Commission, Ondo Unit, Mr O.T Adewunmi on Monday 1st of March, 2021. The meeting was to discuss the issue of incessant road accidents caused by Okada riders in Ondo. Safety of road users is very paramount. Every life in the community is to be protected. The OEYC was represented by the Coordinator I, Mr Olusola Akinbinu, and other members of the  executive, Mr Feyiranti Akinnagbe and Mr Bode Fadoju.

According to the Unit Commander, he said many persons riding Okada in town have no business operating commercial transportation in town. We need to perfect the identity issues so that incompetent riders do not continue to put the lives of innocent members the community in danger.


Other critical issues like needed road demarcations in strategic points where accidents happen frequently in town were also discussed. Specific steps were agreed upon. The Unit Commander promised to give all supports to the OEYC and all her initiatives bid to protect road users in Ondo Kingdom.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

February 27, 2021

From Chibok to Dapchi, From Dapchi to Kankara, From Kankara to Kangara, From Kangara to Jangebe

By David Fidelis

Like seriously, where are we heading to in this country? I've been sweating inner profusely for my dear country Nigeria. 

Nigerians are daily expressing fears about the deterioration in their living conditions, the ubiquitous security challenges, the daily rise is the price of goods and services,  the crazy unemployment and the economic acrobatic 'shoki' dance. 

Since 2015, as if this government is made of the North, for the North and by the North. From Boko Haram, to herdsmen/farmers’ clash, armed banditry, kidnapping amongst others. 

To me, the present day government seem to be sick in mind, body spirit and soul. Because a government who who fails to protect lives and property of it's citizenry is a failed government. 

O! Goodness, what a country  presently driven apart by mutual distrust, religious bigotry, ethnic divisions and geopolitical differences. Every geopolitical setting seems to be taking its destiny by its own hands.

On Thursday, 25th of February, 2021,  317 students were kidnapped by the armed bandits in Government Girls Science Secondary School Jangebe.

It is a national tragedy that another Chibok was allowed to happen even when some of the abducted Chibok girls had not been accounted for.

In 2018, we had another spectacular mass kidnapping in another female academic institution in Dapchi, Yobe state.  Dapchi was not known to me and many Nigerians until 2018.

In December 2020, more than 300 boys were kidnapped from a school in Kankara ,in President Muhammadu Buhari’s home state of Katsina, while he was visiting the region.

Fast forward to 2021, just last week , 42 people were taken by a gang from a boys school in  Kangara, nearby Niger state.

The trend has been from Chibok to Dapchi, from Dapchi to   Kankara, from Kankara to Kangara, from Kangara  to Jangebe and who knows where next?

While the Chibok, Dapchi, Kankara and Kangara incidents drew global news headlines the present frightening episode in  Jangebe has brought Nigeria another round of slap and opprobrium at home and abroad.


Pikin wey go strong go strong.... No be say until dem name am Samson. 

When President Muhammadu Buhari was campaigning in 2015, after three failed consecutive attempts, to be elected President  of Nigeria,  he was convinced as many Nigerians did of his tested capacity to bring about change to a system -- then perceived to be broken and rotten in the hands my much respected President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan.

 Through the All Progressives Congress (APC) coalition he had presented his manifesto to our people harping on re-establishing security, revamping the economy and providing employment for the teeming jobless youths among us.  six three years down the line, all we've seen could best be described by me as retrogression or stagnation. 

Government is on its own. The people are on their own. Protests have become an everyday event. Altercations upon altercations, accusations and counter-accusations everywhere. The disconnections across the country have become too weaponised, threatening the very foundation of the country. How did I find myself in this country at the first instance? O! My goodness!

Certainly, I know that posterity would never forget to remember the actions  or inactions of our leaders toward  terrorism and their numerous exploits nationwide.

The government always claims to be concerned about insurgency but people involved in this acts have never been brought to book. How do we intend to stop insecurity when anyone can just enter a village, kill people, burn houses and go scot-free?

The public must rise to assist the government in the fight against insurgency by providing useful and helpful information without fear of been exposed at their detriment.

The Nigeria military and other security agencies must get cracking by doing the job for which they are remunerated.

Government at all levels must rise up to it's constitutional responsibilities by protecting lives and property of it's people.

I rest my Case!!

Fidelis David is a Journalist and a Feature Writer. (fidelisdavid5@gmail.com)

Friday, February 26, 2021

February 26, 2021


Here comes a golden opportunity to empower Nigerian Students and Youths financially through an online contest tagged STUDENTS AGAINST HUNGER Online Contest powered by RICHLIFE AFRICA - This initiative was birthed following the organization's resolve to eradicate hunger among Nigerians, reduce the menace of unemployment and poverty among the youth  populace in Nigeria.

Registration for this online reality contest is open to 10,000 Students in tertiary institutions, fresh graduates awaiting NYSC, Currently serving Corps members and immediate passed out NYSC members throughout Nigeria, who fall within the age of 16 to 30.

Registration costs a token of N1,000 after which such a person become a bona-fide participant. It must be mentioned that the contest presents a golden opportunity to Nigerian students and youths with one talent or the other (including singing, dancing, poetry, writing, comedy, etc) to showcase and propagate their talents as participants would be tasked to exhibit these talents to attract likes on their social media handles (specifically facebook, twitter and instagram) and votes from their supporters. 

At the end, the contest will produce 301 winners with:

• a student winning the star price of N100 Million with Global Ambassador Against Hunger (GAAH) Crown, 

• First Runner Ups: N10 Million  each, for 100 students with the highest number of votes, and

• Second Runner Ups: N5 Million each, for 200 contestants with the highest number of votes. 

• Prices for voters: 200 cars from Innoson motors will be won by 200 lucky voters - the aim of giving out cars from indigenous company is to empower both Nigerian business and its citizens to stimulate radical economic growth.

Registration commenced and it closes soon after which voting for participants would begin. For more details and registration, please visit:


Or Call: 08189886844, 09022392438, 07039271054 

Follow on:

Fb: Students Against Hunger 

Twitter: @studentsahunger

IG: @Students_againsthunger

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

November 17, 2020




Today marks the 81st memorial honored by students all over the world. To remember the labour of the legends who put their lives on the line to fight for multiculturalism; for a society where all lives matter, whether Jews or Pagans, black or white; a society where culture is respected and not brutalized.

This year has been an adventurous one, we are caught in the web of a pandemic, ASUU strike and the historical End SARS movement. Nigerian youths and students have suffered severely from these blows. Recall that the lockdown has kept students away from school for months and the ASUU strike has continued to top the sad development for Undergraduates.

Covid-19 brought forced social-distancing and hunger on us, as the lockdown grounded a lot of economic activities. The leadership of the National Association of Ondo State Students put it upon herself to support her members with food items during this moment. It was recorded that several students benefitted from this show of love targeted at Ondo state students in Akure environment. We ensured the distribution of food items to areas like FUTA, Ondo road, Ijoka, Oda road and FECA.

Furthermore, the Gubernatorial election in October saw us sensitizing the public, especially young people on the importance of participating in the electoral process, by voting candidates of their choice. We also discouraged political apathy and highlighted the danger attached. For this cause, the Association organized a ‘Peace walk’ and with the aid of placards, it passed the message of Peace and Participation to the Ondo people. In the same vein, the Association was not silent about the ‘Popular Police Brutality’ that littered the streets and eroded the media. It was indeed a sad phase for the country. The Association organized a campaign and in the spirit of solidarity, raised a voice against Police Brutality.

Sad to note also is that the unemployment rate among young people rose from 29.7% to 34.9% in the second quarter of this year, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. These worrisome figures continue to emphasize the need to upskill our youths and ensure their economic independence. This is a course that we are set to chart in the next few months. 

The National Association of Ondo State Students is launching a skill acquisition programme tagged

ONE NAOSSite, ONE SKILL. This project is targeted at empowering Ondo state students with relevant 21st-century digital skills. It is no news that the world is turning digital, we are in the future already.

More than 5,000 Ondo State students across Nigeria will benefit from this initiative. The courses include CopyWriting and Blogging, Graphic Design & Illustration, Forex / Cryptocurrencies, Digital and Social Media Marketing. Others include Retail Management Merchandising, Distribution and Marketing, Project and Product Management, Data Analysis Pivot Tables and Microsoft Excel, Programming and Assembly Language. We are excited to set on this course and are encouraging relevant stakeholders and partners to move with us on this journey.

With no doubt, the Association is persuaded that One NAOSSite One Skill empowerment initiative will prepare Ondo state students in secondary and tertiary institutions for the emerging digital economy, and raise a breed of problem solvers that would represent Ondo state and Nigeria in the world and lower the unemployment rate.

The Association would like to appeal to Governor Oluwarotimi Odunayo Akeredolu to remember his promises concerning the payment of bursary, especially in a time like this where the country is just recovering from the effects of the pandemic. It is clear that bursary will relief students of Ondo state. We have waited for over eight months now and we call on the Governor to hearken to our pleas. We also call on the Ondo state government, to look into the payment of the West Africa Examination Council fee for Ondo State Public Schools to lift this burden off the shoulders of Sunshine boys and girls. As a dividend of democracy, let free education be free to the common man. We also call on the government to put infrastructures in place that will hasten the reopening of state-owned institutions. For if we are to lead the future, time must not be wasted in the present. We do hope that our pleas would hearkened to.

We also implore our Governor to consult with the Federal Government on resolving the impasse ongoing with the Academic Staff Union of Universities. The coalition of Students Union Presidents met in Ibadan recently for this purpose and issued an ultimatum to the Federal Government to resolve this impasse and reopen Universities in the country. Our stand is simple and replicates the resolution of the meeting held in Ibadan. We call on the public to also request that our Government promptly resolves this deadlock for the sake of the future of this country.

Finally, as students of Ondo state, we have seen the worst and best of days, we have experienced history. 2020 has tested us on all sides, yet we are strong and unbroken.  We should hold-on, a better time will come. Let us be upright in all our conducts, remembering that we are the image of the State and we are the Future. 

Long live NAOSS.

Long live Ondo state.

Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Aluta Continua! Victoria Ascerta.


Comrade Ayoade David Kikiowo,

Global President, 

National Association of Ondo State Students

November 17, 2020


Copyright © 2020, Office of the President, Com. Ayoade Kikiowo 

All rights reserved.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

November 07, 2020





On behalf of the entire executive and members of TRANS-AFRICAN YOUTH INITIATIVE, I heartily welcome you to this epoch making occasion. I thank God who granted us journey mercies to this great occasion on the award presentation to a distinguished, outstanding and understanding Nigerian.

For the avoidance of cumbersome ambiguity, the TRANS-AFRICAN YOUTH INITIATIVE is the officially recognized voice of the 1.2 Billion young people of the Commonwealth. It is the largest and most diverse youth-led organization in the Africa. TAYI plays an integral role in advancing the youth development agenda and co-ordination of activities and policies of the Commonwealth in the field of youth. The council works for and represents the voice of all young people within the 53 Commonwealth nations.

more so, we pay keen attention to public office holders who have made the society better through their various means.

Our recognized activities include: Organizing seminar/workshop to enlighten Youths on societal ills such as cultism, examination malpractice, indecent dressing, drug abuse, presentation of seasonal lectures and symposia to train youths on leadership and skills acquisition, campaign against corruption, religious intolerance, violence on streets and other countless beneficial activities numerous to mention in print.

Through the years, the organization has been observing the way public office holders have been discharging their assigned duties in bid to delivering the Dividends of Democracy to the people of their respective community so that they could be identified, recognize and encourage to do even more.

The body has intervened severally in many other continental issues with direct bearing on the political and socio-economic fortune of many countries especially Nigeria. In doing so, we have created avenues for our members to participate in the business of nation building and an atmosphere to mélange ideas for self actualization. All these efforts are geared towards promoting integration and cooperation of every individual/corporate institution involved in providing good governance, peace and stability as well as accelerated development in Nigeria.

SIR, you are indeed a golden fish with no hidden habitat, as keen observer of your delectable and impeccable records, your visionary leadership and characteristic are rarely found amidst other men and lovers of youths in Africa.

Permit me to chronicle the following areas, where the quintessential icon have displayed rare commitment to the cause of humanity which make a gathering of this magnitude unavoidable Vis-à-vis, Adequate Security of live and properties,Educational Development, Educational Empowerment, nation building, Youth emancipation to mention but a few, philanthropy and your indelible contributions towards the transformation of good governance in NIWA among others which you have demonstrated in the quotidian running of your office, in conformity with the vision of His Excellency ,President Mohamodu Buhari, in transforming Nigeria among others.

We in TAYI, believes that there is urgent need for the present crop of Nigerian leaders and aspiring leaders in all human enterprise to start realizing the dreams of the founding fathers of our dear country, Sir Obafemi Awolowo, Sir Ahmadu Bello, Dr Nnamdi Azikwe, Alhaji Tafawa Balewa, Sir Samuel Ladoke Akintola and Sir OlabisiOnabanjo whose activism snowballed from students unionism to nationalism, agitated for and secured, independence for most African countries in the 1950s and 1960s, while also dreaming new dreams to advance the progressive course of humanity.

I will like to say at this point that dreams of building a better society is sacrosanct and tedious, and can be perfectly achieved through a collective and collaboration effort from all well meaning habitats of such society, because when men hold the same idea in their mind, nothing can isolate them, neither the wall of the prison, nor the sod of cemetery, for a single idea and a common goal sustain them. It is on this premise that I want to appeal to the good people of NIWA, traditional Rulers, Local, States and Federal Government to find a lasting solution to the BokoHaram and Niger Delta Avengers menace in the northern and southern  part of the country in other to restore peace to the states affected.

Philosophers have interpreted the world; it is left for us to change it. A society can be move to greater height and higher ideas only by the number and strength of dreamers, thinkers and achievers available to it.

 Giving expression to these dreams requires continuous dose of patriotism, selflessness, determination and courage to trudge on against all odds, as being exemplified by our recipient of today’s award. I want to pray in the word of Martin Luther King Junior that May God gives us the ability to change what we can change, the resilience and fortitude to bear that which we cannot change and above all, the wisdom to distinguish between what we can change and what we cannot change. Amen.

As part of our goals and objectives, we are to embark on a program which we intend to carry out this month. The main theme of the conference:

“A HOLISTIC TO QUALITY ASSURANCE IN AFRICAN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS-PRAGMATIC INTERVENTIONS BY THE SUPPLY AND DEMANS ACTORS”, which is starting on the 16th-20THNovember2020 at Accra Ghana. The summit will feature in Local Government Areas acrossall commonwealths African countries including Nigeria.

We hereby appeal to individuals, public office holders, and entrepreneurs to support us both financially and in kind to enable us attending these programs and other challenging tasks bedeviling us as an organization.

The award recipient has earned himself this NELSON MANDELA most revered Africa Patriot award of excellence as“AFRICA PATRIOTIC LEADER”And NIWA  AS "MOST ORGANISED AND YOUTH FRIENDLY GOVERNMENT AGENCY IN  AFRICA" Under his leadership, which was unanimously agreed at the national executive meeting held at the United Nations Youth Assembly, New Portein, South Africa.

Indeed, the recipient has won the heart of African Youths by his conduct and credentials as a distinguished leader, dogged administrator, bastion of hope and a state man per excellence.

I hereby, on behalf of the organization congratulates our amiable recipient of this award and wish him happy years ahead and we would continue to support you through prayers and goodwill.

To make a conclusion, we believe this honor will inspire other rulers to emulate your lives saving approach to issues of national development.

I thank you all and wish you save journey to your various destination.

Long live Chief George Moghalu,

Long Live NIWA,

Long live TAYI,

Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Oui Soweto!!! Oui Africa!!!

More pictures below :

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

August 19, 2020

774,000 Jobs: Keyamo Slams Lawmakers For Demanding More Slots


Festus Keyamo, Minister of State for Labour and Employment, has slammed lawmakers at the House of Representatives for demanding more slots in the Special Works Programme of the Nigerian Government.

With 30 out of 1000 slots per local government to each member of the House, the minority caucus of the lower chamber rejected the slots, saying the sharing process was not transparent.

In a reply to the lawmakers, Keyamo said the slots were only a privilege not a right. 

He also said that the constituents of the lawmakers will benefit from the special works, adding that the threat of the lawmakers to reject the slots given to them was inconsequential.

He said, “The question of slots to certain persons was never a question of a right or entitlement, it is just a privilege given to them to recommend persons within their constituencies.

“The template is that 1000 persons will be picked from each local government area. That means whether they reject or accept is irrelevant because their constituents will still have their full entitlement of 1000 per local government.

“Except they want to tell Nigerians that it is only a section of those local government councils that they represent and not all the persons in the local government.”

Saturday, May 16, 2020

May 16, 2020

Osinbajo, NAFDAC DG Approved Measures To Support MSME's Through Covid-19 Disruptions

The Nigerian Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo in his tweet earlier today said "Thanks to NAFDAC's Automated Product Administration & Monitory systems, MSMEs can now register & certify their products at an 80% discount rate for the period of 6 months"


He further explained that "Other measures include zero tariffs for first 200 people on the platform and a waiver of late admin charges"

As businesses confront the disruptions caused by the Coronavirus, the Federal Government will continue to adopt and implement practical measures to ensure projected growth is not affected by the COVID19 disruptions.

"Special commendation to the DG of NAFDAC, Professor Mojisola Adeyeye and her team for the strategic response and adaptability to the changing business environment."

Monday, April 27, 2020

April 27, 2020

Address: Lockdown in the FCT, Lagos & Ogun States shall subsist, Buhari


Fellow Nigerians

I will start by commending you all for the resilience and patriotism that you have shown in our collective fight against the biggest health challenge of our generation.

As at yesterday, 26th April 2020, some three million confirmed cases of COVID nineteen have been recorded globally with about nine hundred thousand recoveries. Unfortunately, some two hundred thousand people have also diedpassed away as a result of this pandemic.

The health systems and economies of many nations continue to struggle as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

 Nigeria continues to adopt and adapt to these new global realities on a daily basis. This evening, I will present the facts as they are and explain our plans for the coming month knowing fullyfully aware that some key variables and assumptions may change in the coming days or weeks. 

Exactly two weeks ago, there were three hundred and twenty three confirmed cases in 20 States and the Federal Capital Territory.

As at this morning, Nigeria has recorded one thousand two hundred and seventy-three cases across 32 States and the FCT. Unfortunately, these casesthis includes 40 deathsfatalities.

I will useam using this opportunity to express our deepest condolences to the families of all Nigerians that have lost their lives loved ones as a result of the COVID nineteen Pandemic. This is our collective loss and we share in your grief.

Initial models predicted that Nigeria will record an estimated two thousand confirmed cases in the first month after the index case.

This means that despite the drastic increase in the number of confirmed cases recorded in the past two weeks, the measures we have put in place thus far have yielded positive outcomes against the projections.

The proportion of cases imported from other countries has reduced to only 19% of new cases, showing that our border closures yielded positive results. . These are mostly fellow Nigerians returning through our land borders. We will continue to enforce land border arrival protocols as part of the containment strategy.

Today, the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has accredited 15 laboratories across the country with an aggregate capacity to undertake 2,500 tests per day across the country.

Based on your feedback, Lagos the State Government and the FCT with support from NCDC is hasve established several sample collection centers in Lagos and the FCT. They are also reviewing their laboratory testing strategy to further increase the number of tests they can perform including the accreditation of selected private laboratories that meet the accreditation criteria.

Several new fully equipped treatment and isolation centres have been operationalised across the country thereby increasing bed capacity to about three thousand. At this point, I will commend the State Governors for the activation of State-level Emergency Operation Centres, establishment of new treatment centres and the delivery of aggressive risk communication strategies.

 Over ten thousand healthcare workers have been trained. For their protection, additional personal protective equipment have been distributed to all the states. Although we have experienced logistical challenges, we remain committed to establish a solid supply chain process to ensure these heroic professionals are can work safely and are properly equipped. 

In keeping with our Government’s promise to improve the welfare of healthcare workers, we have signed a memorandum of understanding on the provision of hazard allowances and other incentives with key health sector professional associations. We have also procured insurance cover for five thousand frontline health workers. At this point, I must commend the insurance sector for their support in achieving this within a short period of time.

Nigeria has also continued to receive support from the international community, multilateral agencies, the private sector and public-spirited individuals. This support has ensured that critical lifesaving equipment and materials, which have become scarce globally, are available for Nigeria through original equipment manufacturers and government-to-government processes.

The distribution and expansion of palliatives which I directed in my earlier broadcast is still on going in a transparent manner. I am mindful of the seeming frustration being faced by expectant citizens. I urge all potential beneficiaries to exercise patience as we continue to fine tune our logistical and distribution processes working with the State Governments.

I have directed the Central Bank of Nigeria and other financial institutions to make further plans and provisions for financial stimulus packages for small and medium scale enterprises. We recognise the critical role that they play in Nigeria’s economy.

Our Security Agencies continue to rise to the challenge posed by this unusual situation. While we feel deeply concerned about isolated security incidents involving hoodlums and miscreants, I want to assure all Nigerians that your safety and security remains our primary concern especially in these exceedingly difficult and uncertain times. As we focus on protecting lives and properties, we will not tolerate any human rights abuses by our security agencies. The few reported incidences are regrettableregrettable, and I want to assure you that the culprits will be brought to justice.

I urge all Nigerians to continue to cooperate and show understanding whenever they encounter security agents. Furthermore, for their protection, I have instructed the personnel of the security agencies be provided with the necessary personal protective equipment for their own protection.

As we continue to streamline our response in the epicenters of Lagos and the FCT, I remain am concerned about the unfortunate developments in Kano in recent days. Although an in-depth investigation is still ongoing, we have decided to deploy additional Federal Government human, material and technical resources to strengthen and support the State Government’s efforts. We will commence implementation immediately.

In Kano, and indeed many of other States that are recording new cases, preliminary findings show that such cases are mostly from interstate travel  and emerging community transmission. 

Drawing from these, I implore all Nigerians to continue to adhere strictly to the advisories published by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control. These include rRegular hand washing, social physical distancing, wearing of face masks/coverings in public, avoidance of non-essential movement and travels and avoidance of large gatherings remain paramount.

Fellow Nigerians, for the past four weeks, most parts of our country have been under either Federal Government or State Government  lockdowns. As I mentioned earlier, these steps were necessary and overall, have contributed to slowing down the spread of COVID nineteen in Nigeria.

However, such lock downs have also coame at a very heavy economic cost. Many of our citizens have lost their means of livelihoods. Many businesses have also shut down. No country can afford the full impact of a sustained lockdown while awaiting the development of vaccines or cures.

In my last address, I mentioned the Federal Government will develop strategies and policies that will protect lives while preserving livelihoods.

In these two weeks, the Federal and State Governments have jointly and collaboratively worked hard on thishow to balance the need to protect health while also preserving livelihoods, leveraging global best practice while keeping in mind our peculiar circumstances.

We looked atassessed how our factories, markets, traders and transporters can continue to function while at the same time respecting adhering to the NCDC guidelines on hygiene and social distancing.

We assessed how our children can continue to learn without compromising their health.

We reviewed how our farmers can safely plant and harvest in this rainy season to ensure our food security is not compromised. Furthermore, we also discussed how to safely transport food items from rural production areas to industrial processing zones and ultimately, to the key consumption centers. 

Our goal was to develop implementable policies that will ensure our economy continues to function with while still maintaining our aggressive response to the COVID nineteen pandemic. These same difficult decisions are being faced by leaders around the world. 

Based on the above and in line with the recommendations of the Presidential Task Force on COVID nineteen, the various Federal Government committees that have reviewed socio-economic matters and the Nigeria Governors Forum, I have approved for a phased and gradual easing of lockdown measures in FCT, Lagos and Ogun States effective from Saturday, 2nd May, 2020 at 9am.

However, this will be followed strictly with aggressive reinforcement of testing and contact tracing measures while allowing the restoration of some economic and business activities in certain sectors.

The highlights of the new nationwide measures are as follows;
Selected businesses and offices can open from 9am to 6pm;
There will be an overnight curfew from 8pm to 6am. This means all movements are will be prohibited during this period except essential services;
There will be a ban on non-essential inter-state passenger travels until further notice;
There will be Ppartial and controlled interstate movement of goods and services will be allowed to allowfor the movement of goods and services from producers to consumers; and
We will strictly ensure the mandatory use of face masks or coverings in public in addition to maintaining physical distancing and personal hygiene. Furthermore, the restrictions of on social and religious gathers shall remain in place. State Governments, corporate organisations and philanthropists are encouraged to support the production of cloth masks for citizens.

For the avoidance of doubt, the lockdown in the FCT, Lagos & Ogun States shall subsist remain in place until these new ones come into effect on  Saturday, 2nd May 2020 at 9am.

The Presidential Task Force shall provide sector specific details and timing guidelines to allow for preparations by Governments, businesses and institutions.
The above are guidelines. State Governors may choose to amend adapt and expand based on their unique circumstances provided they maintain alignment with the guidelines issued  aboveon public health and hygiene.

These revised guidelines do will not apply for to Kano State. The total lockdown recently announced by the State Government shall remain enforced be enforced for the full duration. The Federal Government shall deploy all the necessary human, material and technical resources to support the State in controlling and containing the pandemic.

I wish to once again commend the frontline workers across the country who, on a daily basis, risk everything to ensure we win this fight. For those who got infected in the line of duty, be rest assured that Government will do all it takes to support you and your families during this exceedingly difficult period. I will also take this opportunity to assure you all that your safety, wellbeing and welfare remains paramount to our Government.
I will also recognize recognise the support we have received from our traditional rulers, the Christian Association of Nigeria, the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs and other prominent religious and community leaders. Your cooperation and support has significantly contributed to the successes we have recorded to date. I will urge you all to please continue to create awareness on the seriousness of coronavirus among your worshippers and communities while appealing that they strictly comply with  public health advisories.

I will also thank the Nigeria Governors’ Forum and the Presidential Task Force for all their hard work to date. Through this collaboration, I remain confident that success is achievable.

I also wish to thank corporate organisations, philanthropists, the UN family, the European Union, friendly nations, the media and other partners that have taken up the responsibility of supporting our response.

And finally, I will thank all Nigerians again for your patience and cooperation during this difficult and challenging period. I assure you that government shall continue to take all necessary measures to protect the lives and livelihoods our citizens and residents.
39. I thank you for listening and may God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

March 31, 2020

COVID-19: Ahmed Tinubu, Nigerians Expectations By Comr. Fapetu

"Baba" Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu as always refers to you in most of my articles, you are a leader with high degree of respects as accorded to you by most politicians.

It sadden my heart as I heard your humanity gesture to Nigerian government in reliefing the less privileged in the society at this hard time.

 It's easy to note that few amidst rich man in Nigerians love the less privileged wholeheartedly, the current happenings now shouldn't be treated  in the conventional ways of transacting with the society voteing and receiving money in return syndrome God has blessed you not doubt  about that let others enjoy and benefited from your wealth.

If you give Nigerian government billions naira to add up to their palliative plan baba your capacity goes beyond that, I appreciate  the followings Alhaji Dangote, Femi Otedola, Tony Elumelu, Mike Adenuga, Mama Amalia, Emeka Ofo, Pastor E.A Adeboye and others for their contribution so far.

In developed countries you can only measured people's wealth via the charity extended to the less privileged in the society,
it's not until election time that you come around the people in the society with 5000 to10000 naira. This is the best time you are needed most. Service to humanity is the best works of life.

Comr. Fapetu D. V
Congress Of Young Intellectual (CYI)
Ondo State Cord.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

March 29, 2020



1. Fellow Nigerians,

2. From the first signs that Coronavirus, or COVID-19 was turning into an epidemic and was officially declared a world-wide emergency, the Federal Government started planning preventive, containment and curative measures in the event the disease hits Nigeria.

3. The whole instruments of government are now mobilized to confront what has now become both a health emergency and an economic crisis.

4. Nigeria, unfortunately, confirmed its first case on 27th February 2020. Since then, we have seen the number of confirmed cases rise slowly.

5. By the morning of March 29th, 2020, the total confirmed cases within Nigeria had risen to ninety-seven.

6. Regrettably, we also had our first fatality, a former employee of PPMC, who died on 23rd March 2020. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family in this very difficult time. We also pray for quick recovery for those infected and undergoing treatment.

7. As of today, COVID-19 has no cure. Scientists around the world are working very hard to develop a vaccine.

8. We are in touch with these institutions as they work towards a solution that will be certified by international and local medical authorities within the shortest possible time.

9. For now, the best and most efficient way to avoid getting infected is through regular hygienic and sanitary practices as well as social distancing.

10. As individuals, we remain the greatest weapon to fight this pandemic. By washing our hands regularly with clean water and soap, disinfecting frequently used surfaces and areas, coughing into a tissue or elbow and strictly adhering to infection prevention control measures in health facilities, we can contain this virus.

11. Since the outbreak was reported in China, our Government has been monitoring the situation closely and studying the various responses adopted by other countries.

12. Indeed, the Director General of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) was one of ten global health leaders invited by the World Health Organisation to visit China and understudy their response approach. I am personally very proud of Dr Ihekweazu for doing this on behalf of all Nigerians. 

13. Since his return, the NCDC has been implementing numerous strategies and programs in Nigeria to ensure that the adverse impact of this virus on our country is minimized. We ask all Nigerians to support the work the Federal Ministry of Health and NCDC are doing, led by the Presidential Task Force.

14. Although we have adopted strategies used globally, our implementation programs have been tailored to reflect our local realities.

15. In Nigeria, we are taking a two step approach.

16. First, to protect the lives of our fellow Nigerians and residents living here and second, to preserve the livelihoods of workers and business owners to ensure their families get through this very difficult time in dignity and with hope and peace of mind.

17. To date, we have introduced healthcare measures, border security, fiscal and monetary policies in our response. We shall continue to do so as the situation unfolds. 

18. Some of these measures will surely cause major inconveniences to many citizens. But these are sacrifices we should all be willing and ready to make for the greater good of our country.

19. In Nigeria’s fight against COVID-19, there is no such thing as an overreaction or an under reaction. It is all about the right reaction by the right agencies and trained experts.

20. Accordingly, as a Government, we will continue to rely on guidance of our medical professionals and experts at the Ministry of Health, NCDC and other relevant agencies through this difficult time.

21. I therefore urge all citizens to adhere to their guidelines as they are released from time to time. 

22. As we are all aware, Lagos and Abuja have the majority of confirmed cases in Nigeria. Our focus therefore remains to urgently and drastically contain these cases, and to support other states and regions in the best way we can.

23. This is why we provided an initial intervention of fifteen billion Naira (N15b) to support the national response as we fight to contain and control the spread.

24. We also created a Presidential Task Force (PTF) to develop a workable National Response Strategy that is being reviewed on a daily basis as the requirements change. This strategy takes international best practices but adopts them to suit our unique local circumstances.

25. Our goal is to ensure all States have the right support and manpower to respond immediately.

26. So far, in Lagos and Abuja, we have recruited hundreds of adhoc staff to man our call centers and support our tracing and testing efforts.

27. I also requested, through the Nigeria Governors Forum, for all State Governments to nominate Doctors and Nurses who will be trained by the NCDC and Lagos State Government on tactical and operational response to the virus in case it spreads to other states.

28. This training will also include medical representatives from our armed forces, paramilitary and security and intelligence agencies. 

29. As a nation, our response must be guided, systematic and professional. There is a need for consistency across the nation. All inconsistencies in policy guidelines between Federal and State agencies will be eliminated.

30. As I mentioned earlier, as at this morning we had ninety-seven confirmed cases. Majority of these are in Lagos and Abuja. All the confirmed cases are getting the necessary medical care.

31. Our agencies are currently working hard to identify cases and people these patients have been in contact with.

32. The few confirmed cases outside Lagos and Abuja are linked to persons who have travelled from these centres.

33. We are therefore working to ensure such inter state and intercity movements are restricted to prevent further spread.

34. Based on the advice of the Federal Ministry of Health and the NCDC, I am directing the cessation of all movements in Lagos and the FCT for an initial period of 14 days with effect from 11pm on Monday, 30th March 2020. This restriction will also apply to Ogun State due to its close proximity to Lagos and the high traffic between the two States.

35. All citizens in these areas are to stay in their homes. Travel to or from other states should be postponed. All businesses and offices within these locations should be fully closed during this period.

36. The Governors of Lagos and Ogun States as well as the Minister of the FCT have been notified. Furthermore, heads of security and intelligence agencies have also been briefed.

37. We will use this containment period to identify, trace and isolate all individuals that have come into contact with confirmed cases. We will ensure the treatment of confirmed cases while restricting further spread to other States.

38. This order does not apply to hospitals and all related medical establishments as well as organizations in health care related manufacturing and distribution. 

39. Furthermore, commercial establishments such as;
a. food processing, distribution and retail companies;
b. petroleum distribution and retail entities,
c. power generation, transmission and distribution companies; and
d. private security companies are also exempted.

40. Although these establishments are exempted, access will be restricted and monitored.

41. Workers in telecommunication companies, broadcasters, print and electronic media staff who can prove they are unable to work from home are also exempted.

42. All seaports in Lagos shall remain operational in accordance with the guidelines I issued earlier. Vehicles and drivers conveying essential cargoes from these Ports to other parts of the country will be screened thoroughly before departure by the Ports Health Authority.

43. Furthermore, all vehicles conveying food and other essential humanitarian items into these locations from other parts of the country will also be screened thoroughly before they are allowed to enter these restricted areas.

44. Accordingly, the Hon. Minister of Health is hereby directed to redeploy all Port Health Authority employees previously stationed in the Lagos and Abuja Airports to key roads that serve as entry and exit points to these restricted zones.

45. Movements of all passenger aircraft, both commercial and private jets, are hereby suspended. Special permits will be issued on a needs basis.

46. We are fully aware that such measures will cause much hardship and inconvenience to many citizens. But this is a matter of life and death, if we look at the dreadful daily toll of deaths in Italy, France and Spain.

47. However, we must all see this as our national and patriotic duty to control and contain the spread of this virus. I will therefore ask all of us affected by this order to put aside our personal comfort to safeguard ourselves and fellow human beings. This common enemy can only be controlled if we all come together and obey scientific and medical advice.

48. As we remain ready to enforce these measures, we should see this as our individual contribution in the war against COVID-19. Many other countries have taken far stricter measures in a bid to control the spread of the virus with positive results.

49. For residents of satellite and commuter towns and communities around Lagos and Abuja whose livelihoods will surely be affected by some of these restrictive measures, we shall deploy relief materials to ease their pains in the coming weeks. 

50. Furthermore, although schools are closed, I have instructed the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development to work with State Governments in developing a strategy on how to sustain the school feeding program during this period without compromising our social distancing policies. The Minister will be contacting the affected States and agree on detailed next steps.

51. Furthermore, I have directed that a three month repayment moratorium for all TraderMoni, MarketMoni and FarmerMoni loans be implemented with immediate effect.

52. I have also directed that a similar moratorium be given to all Federal Government funded loans issued by the Bank of Industry, Bank of Agriculture and the Nigeria Export Import Bank.

53. For on-lending facilities using capital from international and multilateral development partners, I have directed our development financial institutions to engage these development partners and negotiate concessions to ease the pains of the borrowers.

54. For the most vulnerable in our society, I have directed that the conditional cash transfers for the next two months be paid immediately. Our Internally displaced persons will also receive two months of food rations in the coming weeks.

55. We also call on all Nigerians to take personal responsibility to support those who are vulnerable within their communities, helping them with whatever they may need.

56. As we all pray for the best possible outcome, we shall continue planning for all eventualities.

57. This is why I directed that all Federal Government Stadia, Pilgrims camps and other facilities be converted to isolation centers and makeshift hospitals.

58. My fellow Nigerians, as a Government, we will avail all necessary resources to support the response and recovery. We remain committed to do whatever it takes to confront COVID-19 in our country.

59. We are very grateful to see the emerging support of the private sector and individuals to the response as well as our development partners.

60. At this point, I will ask that all contributions and donations be coordinated and centralized to ensure efficient and impactful spending. The Presidential Task Force remains the central coordinating body on the COVID-19 response.

61. I want to assure you all that Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies with a role to play in the outbreak response are working hard to bring this virus under control.

62. Every nation in the world is challenged at this time. But we have seen countries where citizens have come together to reduce the spread of the virus.

63. I will therefore implore you again to strictly comply with the guidelines issued and also do your bit to support Government and the most vulnerable in your communities.

64. I will take this opportunity to thank all our public health workforce, health care workers, port health authorities and other essential staff on the frontlines of the response for their dedication and commitment. You are true heroes.

65. I thank you all for listening. May God continue to bless and protect us all.

President Muhammadu Buhari
29th March 2020.

Friday, March 20, 2020

March 20, 2020

Why We Can’t Sell Petrol At 125/litre – Marketers

Private fuel marketers have yet to reduce the pump price of Premium Motor Spirit ( petrol ) , while retail stations belonging to the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation have started selling at N 125 per litre .

The PUNCH correspondent, who visited several filling stations including Oando, Mobil and Capital Oil and Gas on the Lagos - Ibadan Expressway as well as Total at Ikosi -Ketu , on Thursday morning , observed that the private marketers were selling at N 145 per litre of petrol.

“ What we are asking the government is that : who is going to pay us between the old price and the new price on our old stock? And without them verifying our old stock and telling us what they will pay us and when they will pay us, we will not load, ” a top official of one of the fuel marketers’ associations told our correspondent on condition of anonymity.

He said marketers would continue to sell the product at the old rate pending when the issues would be resolved.

“ Marketers are holding their strategy session . We will have a common front . The GMD ( of NNPC ) has invited us for a stakeholders ’ meeting , which should have been done before the announcement of the new price . By the end of today, we will have a clearer picture of how they are going to involve us,” he added.

The Federal Government had noted on Wednesday that the drop in crude oil prices had lowered the expected open market price of imported petrol below the official pump price of N 145 per litre .

“ Therefore, Mr President has approved that Nigerians should benefit from the reduction in the price of PMS which is a direct effect of the crash in global crude oil prices ,” the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources , Chief Timipre Sylva, said in a statement .

He said the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency would subsequently issue a monthly guide to the NNPC and marketers on the appropriate pricing regime .

The NNPC , on Wednesday , directed all its retail station to change the retail pump price to N 125 per litre from N 145.

The Group Managing Director , NNPC , Mallam Mele Kyari , said the corporation had reviewed its ex -coastal , ex- depot and NNPC retail pump prices in compliance with the directives of the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources , Chief Timipre Sylva, on the pricing of PMS.

He said , “ Effective March 19 , 2020 , NNPC ex -coastal price for PMS has been reviewed downwards from N 117. 6 /litre to N 99 .44 / litre while the ex -depot price is reduced from N 133 .28 / litre to N 113. 28 / litre.

“ These reductions will , therefore , translate to N 125 / litre retail pump price . Despite the obvious cost implication of this immediate adjustment to the corporation , NNPC is delighted to effect this massive reduction of N 20 / litre for the benefit of all Nigerians .”






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